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quarta-feira, 5 de fevereiro de 2014

Reflexão - Putin, vedeta do greenwashing

Putin recebe elogios do Comité Olímpico e mostra leopardos bebés, conta o Público

Putin é exímio na arte da encenação, nomeadamente envolvendo conceitos de conservacão. Veja-se esta estória de Putin voando com um bando de grus, tendo alguns dos seus truques sido revelados por ele próprio. Putin e a sua máquina de propaganda são ´também exímias na arte de fazer greenwashing. Releiam esta posta do Ambiente Ondas3 de 14 de agosto de 2012.

2 comentários:

OLima disse...

Environmental activist monitoring Sochi Olympics jailed for five days
An activist who has been shedding light on environmental fallout from the Sochi Olympics has been jailed for five days for resisting police.
Igor Kharchenko is the second activist to be detained in the region in three days.
Kharchenko was grabbed on the street in the regional capital of Krasnodar as he left his house and found his car smashed, his associate Olga Soldatova said on Wednesday.
Police took him to the police station where he was charged with resisting police orders.
Soldatova said Kharchenko was put on trial without a lawyer.
Like Yevgeny Vitishko, who was jailed on Monday for swearing in public,Kharchenko is a member of the Environmental Watch on the North Caucasus, a group that has been monitoring the environmental effects of Olympic construction.
Amnesty International condemned his treatment, saying his "closed trial was brief and blatantly unfair".
It added: "Amnesty International has reviewed video footage of his arrest, which contradicts the police's allegations that he resisted orders."
Sergei Nikitin, Amnesty International's Moscow office director, said:
"It took a judge only a few minutes, behind a closed door, to decide that yet another environmental activist should be behind bars when the Games begin. This happened precisely on the day when the Olympic torch arrived in Sochi. "Sportsmanship and fair play are hallmarks of the Olympic spirit, but the Russian authorities seem to have thrown out the rule book in favour of silencing critical voices ahead of the Games.
"This foul play must come to an end. The Russian authorities must halt their harassment of civil society activists, protect the right to peaceful freedom of expression, and release the Sochi prisoners of conscience: Igor Kharchenko and his fellow environmentalist Yevgeny Vitishko, who is currently serving 15 days in administrative detention on trumped-up charges."

OLima disse...

The official mascots for the Winter Olympics are a polar bear, a hare and a leopard. But walk around the complexes that will stage the Games here, with the opening ceremony Friday, and what seem more apt are a hand drill, a backhoe and a shovel.